Let's create your book vision so you can have a book offering greatest impact and marketability. Please answer these questions as best you can.
What is the Why of your Book?
A book can fulfill several purposes. At this stage, let’s clarify your top reasons for writing your book. This will help shape how your book will be written and published later.
The following are the top reasons our authors write and publish books.
Choose your top 3 reasons and rank them in order of importance, #1 being your most important purpose, #2 your second most important, and #3 your third.
Choose #1, #2, and #3 in importance to you:
Why authors write and publish books? #1
Why authors write and publish books? #2
Why authors write and publish books? #3
Where in a book store or on Amazon would people find your book? Think about what section or genre your book would be under.
Your book genre
What is the specific topic of your book? For example: sales for inbound leads, holistic healing for cancer, my journey to through the Peruvian jungles, how I became a marketing goddess, etc.
How will this book transform your business and life?
Envision that your book is already done. You hold it in your hands. With pride and love, you give it to your loved ones, associates and clients. How else is your book reaching your audience? Let’s clarify how your book will reach your ideal audience, multiply your business, and make an impact in the world. Rank the following in order of importance. Of course, this can change. We’re taking a snapshot right now.
Rank A, B, C, NA of where you plan to give or sell your book. A = Definitely! B = That too. C = If I get around to it. NA = Not applicable to me.
Rank your Family, friends, loved ones
Rank your Clients and prospects
Rank Professional associates, industry influencers*
Rank Speaking gigs, keynotes, talks
Rank Speakers bureaus, speaking agents
Rank Event organizers, association heads
Rank Amazon, Kindle, Audible
Rank Website, email list, or blogs
Rank Social media – Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, etc.
Rank Affiliates and JV partners
Rank Digital marketing campaigns, online summits, etc.
Rank Workshops, seminars, events
Rank Podcasts
Rank Bookstores, airport stores
You need to connect strongly to your target audience for your book to support your business and/or life. To do that, you need to know exactly whom you’re talking to—before you write the book.
Imagine that your book is done. You’ve got something you’re really proud of in your hands, and you’re giving it to somebody. Who are you giving it to?
My target audience is:
(Choose all that apply)
Choose all that apply
Are you wondering, “Why would anyone want to read my book?” People buy and read nonfiction books for one primary reason: to solve a problem. Before you start writing, you need to know the main problem that your book will solve for your readers.
Ask yourself:
• What is the main problem my ideal reader faces?
• What are the challenges my reader is going through?
• What is the emotional pressure my reader is experiencing?
Your book chapters provide the solution to your reader’s problem(s).
Ask yourself: What is the solution or transformation my book will provide to my ideal reader?
Choose the length, inclusions and book cover type
How do you want to publish?
Do you want to include links to your website(s), social media, downloads, or other calls to action within the chapters of your book?
(If you are unsure, this can be updated any time through the Editorial stage. Your book will also have a “Join My Community” section in the final chapter, as well as marketing pages in the end matter.).
What other books might you like your book to be similar to?